The bike ride has truly become secondary by this time. As I rode from Vesuvius this morning I was attacked by another dog that required two doses of Mace before leaving me alone followed by another climb of 16% grade. Two hours later began a series of 3 flat tires, more than I had experienced in the entire ride to this point. But then we made it to New Market another lovely family has opened their home to us followed by a potluck supper at the church. I then gave a presentation at the church about the ride and the need for diapers. I then had the pleasure of meeting Ann McBroom who is the reason I changed my route to even be in New Market tonight. Ann is in charge of the “A Small Hand” ministry in a local town that distributes diapers. This connection was made because of the National Diaper Bank Network’s support of this ride. Connections are like that, you never know where they will lead and how they overlap like a spider web. As it turns out, tomorrow may be the most exciting day of the trip because of the connections made because of this ride before this ride ever started! I’ll wait to experience it before I blog about the details.
This ride is truly about connections. I now understand my church’s emphasis for 2012 (Connecting with God, One Person at a Time) better than I ever believed possible. But today I feel closer to God than I did before this ride began because of the connections I have made with people all across America. Ann is just one more example of the people who work tirelessly day after day to provide people with tangible evidence of God’s love. What a privilege it is for me to witness the dedication and commitment of people like Ann McBride who have responded to God’s calling.
I encourage anyone reading this blog to respond to God’s call, commit your life to it, and watch the connections grow. I promise you will be hard at times, even discouraging, but it will also be exhilarating as you experience the power of connecting with God, one person at a time.
Ride Stats: Total Miles- 72 Elevation Gain- 2,539 ft Avg Speed- 12 mph Avg HR- 109