- Pledge to sponsor one child with a $25.00 monthly donation equal to 25% of a child's yearly diaper needs.
- Make the Tri-City Diaper Bank your charity for the Holiday Season or for the year!
- Hold or organize a diaper drive at your school, club, or workplace. (Email myrichlandchurch@gmail.com for help or ideas)
- Volunteer to help bag diapers for a few hours a month!
- DONATE a box of diapers in one of our most needed sizes ( currently SIZES 4, 5 & 6) once a month!
- Be Creative! Design your own event, or call us - we'd be glad to help! (509-946-8807)

The Tri-Cities Diaper Bank becomes a 2011 grant recipient at the annual Women Helping Women luncheon October 24. In attendance, members & supporters of the diaper bank, from left to right, seated, LeEllen Bradshaw, Executive Director of Adventist Community Services-Pasco, Jan Urie, Adra Johnson, Program Director, Cindy Williams, and standing, Nadine Willis, Renee Martin, Jamie Willis, Tracy Long and Pastor Leslie Bumgardner.

Volunteers from the Richland Seventh-day Adventist Church hold a Holiday Diaper Drive in front
of a local Walmart store!