- To help ensure that disadvantaged families throughout the Tri-Cities have an adequate supply of diapers for their children.
- To raise community awareness that diapers are "basic human needs" like food and shelter, and that these needs are not being met for children living in poverty.
- To advocate for policy reform so that diapers will be included in the definition of and provision for the "basic human needs" of families.

Volunteers bagging diapers for the Tri-Cities Diaper Bank at the "Bagging Bee" on January 7, hosted by the Richland Seventh-day Adventist Church. Approximately 45 volunteers, working together in teams, were able to sort, bag, label and shelve over 30,000 diapers in an hour and a half!

Volunteers at the Pasco Riverview Seventh-day Adventist Church re-package diapers for distribution in their Community Services building. Helping with the packaging are, from left, Paula Stegman of Pasco, Sigrid Kroner of Pasco, Shirley Dodd of Pasco, Mack Varnes of Pasco, LeEllen Bradshaw of Pasco, Connie Arlt of Richland and Adra Johnson of Kennewick.